Please take time to go though and read all the rules carefully. While the play might get hectic as you adjust to changing situations keep in mind that we are not real-world operators and that our main goal is to have fun, enjoy the company of friends and sling BBs at them! 

*These rules are subject to change during game play to adjust for safety* 



Please take time to go though and read all the rules carefully. While the play might get hectic as you adjust to changing situations keep in mind that we are not real-world operators and that our main goal is to have fun, enjoy the company of friends and sling BBs at them!

*These rules are subject to change during game play to adjust for safety*


Rules, Safety, Age Requirements

·         Don’t be a DICK! There are young players that look up to you and will learn how to play from watching you.

·        6mm Bio BB’s only

Honor and Sportsmanship

·         Sportsmanship is expected! Please call YOUR OWN hits! We are wearing a lot of equipment and moving around a player may not notice a hit give them the benefit of the doubt.

·         Not calling your hits is cheating and repeated offences will not be tolerated. If you suspect a player is not calling their hits, do not take matters into your own hands. Please bring this to the attention of your SQL and the event staff; use the chain of command.

·         Dead players do not talk! Dead players may only talk quietly to other dead players. Dead players do not shoot their guns; doing so can make you a target. Dead players do not signal their position or indicate other players’ positions while they are dead.

·         Electronic warfare: jamming or listening in to the opposition’s radio frequency is strictly prohibited (unless cleared by the administration).

·         Other Cheating monitoring, through espionage or misrepresentation, of opposition force planning to include briefings and electronic mediums is not in the spirit of the game and is prohibited.

·         If a player asks what faction you belong to you must identify yourself.

Airsoft is about HONOR; failure to play in an honorable manner will result in expulsion from the event. There will be no bullying, roughhousing, foul language (used in malice), or physical/mental intimidation anywhere at any time at R & D MilSim events. Failure to follow these rules will result in expulsion from the event and AO. No refunds will be given.


Age Requirements

·         Players under the age of 12 are not allowed to play at these events. It’s the insurance not our rules.

·         Players under 16 years of age must have a guardian present during the event or fill out a transfer of guardianship to a player 18 years or old who will participate in-game with them.  (we use a basic Florida form) They also must have a Full helmet and face guard.

·          Players under 18 years of age are required to have their release form notarized or have a guardian on-site to co-sign the event release form(s). They also must have a face guard.


In Processing

·         in the staging area, pistols must be holstered. All other weapons must have the magazine removed and the chamber cleared or a barrel cover.

·         While in the staging/parking lot area, you may dry fire your weapon to ensure it is working properly. There is to be no live fire anywhere within the staging area.

The Process

1.      Go to MEPS get your packet

2.      Go to the records section

a.      Get your waver filled out (we will not have a notary on site minors need a stamp)

                                                                          i.      check your email we will send you the forms to get them filled out beforehand to save time at check in.

3.      Medical

a.      Fill out your medical form and we will watch you put it in your pocket. (this is like a medic alert bracelet if you need real medical attention and cant speak this could save your life)

                                                                          i.      If you have a medical issue that could arise during play please plan on your medical issues (bee allergy, low blood sugar, in hailer ect)

4.      Supply

a.      We will verify your required equipment and uniform standards

5.      Armory

a.      The Chrono station

                                                                          i.      You will get a zip tie denoting you passed and your weapons class

                                                                         ii.      All weapons must be submitted for inspection to the safety officer. Each player will be asked to fire 3 or more rounds across the chronograph.

                                                                       iii.      Note that players may be asked to chronograph at any time during the day, including during play.

                                                                       iv.      We will also be checking your mags and loadout.

6.      Pre-Deployment station

a.      turn in your finished packet.  You will then have a safety brief.

7.      Deployment

a.      Last you are turned over to your command staff and moved to the Rear Command Post  RCP. You will not return to your vehicle till after the first, second, or third objective. Plan ahead.

All persons throughout the AO need to have a waiver on file; this includes observers, photographers, and any additional non-player personnel.


Required Equipment

  •          Boots, shoes, or sneakers (no sandals, water shoes, or Crocks)  they must have a hard sole.
  •          Long pants (no shorts, bun huggers or thongs)
  •          A team specific shirt: Available in the Pro Shop
  •          Eye protection: Available in the Pro Shop
  •          An Airsoft Specific Firearm: Available in the Pro Shop
  •          Magazines: different events have different requirements on type and quantity
  •          A way to carry equipment (magazines, grenades)
  •          A tourniquet one will be provided when you in process.
  •          A medical card filled out and in their LEFT SIDED ARM OR LEG POCKET.
  •          All players must have a red “Dead Rag” minimum 50 square inches of red material: Available in the Pro Shop
  •          A waver one file with; Site, R&D, minor, ect.
  •          Water bottle or canteen
  •          Flashlight
  •          Dead light for night or low light games

Recommended Equipment

  •          Radio (we use BAOFENG UV-5R)
  •          Snacks
  •          Repair equipment
  •          Extra battery
  •          Compass
  •          Hat or helmet
  •          pad and pen
  •       Pyro Grenades, smoke and so on: Available in the Pro Shop
  •          E-tool

Restricted Equipment

Real Weapons

o   Players will be allowed to use only airsoft specific guns.

o   No live firearms or live steel are to be on the field. No Real Steel.

o   Only weapons that use gas, air, spring, or Electric propellant.

o   No “BB Guns” or BB guns converted to use airsoft BB’s or Metal BB’s will be allowed.

·         Ballistic and Riot Shields

o   Ballistic shields and Riot shields are only allowed in certain scenarios. Read the event specific section or Contact R&D staff.

·         No alcohol and other Mind-Altering Substances on the field

o   If you are found to be impaired on the field of play, you will be asked to leave the field or face penalties. Starting with team point loss and ending with civil authorities.



Blind fire

·         Shooting around corners and not being able to see where your BBs are going is not allowed. Devices that allow you to shoot around corners, such as weapon-mounted cameras and mirrors are not permitted. Players must always be looking down their sites when firing.


·         All players are highly encouraged to wear FULL SEAL eye protection. Must be ANSI Z87.1 rated eye protection.

·         Most safety glasses are rated for single impact not multiple. Any cracks or chips and your eye protection will get rejected. Plan a second pair or money to buy some.

·         On an Active Firing AO, eye protection may only be removed after all players have mags out, their chamber cleared or barrel covers, and game control has given the okay to remove goggles.

Lost Goggle procedure (Blind Man)

  •          On the call of “Blind man/or Time Out.” players need to immediately remove the magazine for their weapon, clear the chamber, and set the weapon on safe. Take a knee in your location and do not move until the “all clear” and “game on” are given. Only at that time may you reload your weapon and continue play.
  •          If a player loses their eye protection during a firefight a “BLINDMAN” call is made. The player needs to cover their face with their hands and keep their head down until eye protection can be provided for them.


Player Hits


·        Please note that we DO NOT use a “surrender” rule at our events! Calling out “surrender” implies an opposing participant has an option (comply/escape).


·         All BB hits to any part of your body and any gear/equipment secured to your person count as a hit whether it’s a ricochet or direct hit.  

  •          If you get hit you are wounded.
  •          Weapon hits do not count.
  •          Friendly fire counts! Check your targets!
  •          If two participants fire simultaneously and both are hit, BOTH participants are out.


·         When you are hit immediately fall to the ground and act out being shot – call out for a Medic the louder the better.  Often it is difficult to hear participants over the noise of firing AEG’s and/or through brush even at short distances, so do your best to let opposing participants know you have been hit otherwise they may continue to inadvertently fire at you.  BE AS LOUD AS YOU CAN.

Returning to the field

·         R&D events employ rules that allow you to be brought back into the fight by a buddy to simulate real world first aid with a tourniquet.

  •          If you are “wounded” and treated by your buddy or the Platoon Medic, (within the first 5 minutes) you considered “wounded,” but may continuing fighting.
  •          While waiting in place, please do not reload magazines and/or grenade shells, test-fire 
    your weapon or anything else other than calling for a medic*- reloading sounds and “test
    firing” may inadvertently cause players to believe you are still alive and therefore shoot at you.  
  •          Never seek an aid station towards an objective.  Direction should always be both away from 
    your given objective and away from the action.
  •          You are required to carry your Tourniquet (or TQ) on your 
    person at all times.
  •          You may never “self-heal” or assist your buddy in aiding you. Do not hand your TQ 
    to your buddy.
  •          Your TQ may not be combat prepared. THAT MEANS IT CANNOT BE THREADED
    THROUGH THE PLASTIC TRI-GLIDE. That is for your buddy to do while he is rendering 
    aid. The reason for this is to slow down the buddy aid process and add to the realism. 
  •          When “wounded” you may disclose any enemy activity/positions, INTEL, etc., that 
    you witnessed during your “wounded” time or any time prior to that. 

·         If a buddy or a Platoon Medic does not reach you in the first 5 minutes after you are hit, you will “bleed out” and are now considered “killed” and therefor are “dead”.  At this point please follow the being “KILLED” makes you “DEAD” rules.

·         A second hit after you are wounded and have a TQ, you have gone to the summer lands, kicked the bucket or as we like to call it “DEAD”


·         If you have been “wounded” or ”killed”, designated aid station may be used.  In 
this situation “dead” participants are required to move/be brought to 
the aid station in order to regen and re-enter the event. 

  •          An aid station is defined as the area marked for friendly identification where IV bottles (16 oz water bottles) are cached.
  •          Participants go to an aid station, it is never brought to them. 
  •          Wounded participants may be carried to an aid station (see “Carrying 
    Wounded”) in order to be healed any time prior to the 5 min bleed
    out time.
  •          When using aid stations, the dead “regen” by drinking an IV (bottle of water) provided by a Medic and upon returning the bottle to the case they got it from once finished
  •          Aid stations may be attacked and supplies may be stolen. An aid station is simply a 
    cache of IV bottles stored near the location of an objective. If 
    unguarded it is extremely vulnerable to the enemy.


Uniform regulations exist to give the appearance of a cohesive unit and not give the appearance of a group of individuals. It is hoped that this will give better overall experience to all players.

  •          Tops must be a minimum of a t-shirt, no shirtless play or tank tops allowed.
  •          Bottoms must be long pants.
  •          Headgear color will be faction specific. Camo or Solid colors         In the event of inclement weather, uniformity regulations are relaxed but all worn items must still be faction specific in regards to color.
  •       OD Green for one side/ and Tan/Brown for the other.
  •          Special uniforms may be authorized for specific role-playing groups outside of the typical uniforms but not for those playing under the conventional teams.
  •          Gear color does not matter. You can wear any color gear you wish. Know that tan harness with green kit may get you shot by friendly forces, that’s on you.
  •          Ghillie suit can be any color but you may be fired on by either team. NATO and RUSFOR.

Photographers / Observers

·         Photographers or Observers must not look like combatants. May wear any high visibility color other than SOLID blue and other than military-type uniforms.


FPS limits / weapon systems


·         The following FPS limits are in effect

o   Pistols, Shotguns, GBBR, AEGs & LMGs

§  1.5 Joules 6mm: 366fps w/0.25g

o   MMGs (Note this is for M240B, M60 variants, MK48 and PKMs only!)

§  2.09 Joules (Minimum engagement distance 50ft) 6mm:  425fps w/0.25g

o   DMR/Sniper Rifles

§  2.8 Joules (Minimum engagement distance 100ft and semi-auto only) 6mm: 550fps w/0.20g, 490fps w/0.25g



·         Commander (CO)  Major   and Command Sargent Major

o   Responsible for every  thing the company does and fails to do

o   Commands and controls through his subordinate leaders

o   Conducts mission analysis and troop-leading procedures and issues operations orders for company tactical operations

o   Resources teams and other elements

o   Ensures the company command post effectively battle tracks the situation and status 

o   Develops the leadership and tactical skill of his platoon leaders


·         Platoon leaders (SL) Captain and First Sergeant (FS)

o   Leads the platoon in supporting the higher headquarters missions. He bases his actions on his assigned mission and the intent and concept of his higher commanders

o   Maneuvers squads and fighting elements

o   Synchronizes the efforts of squads

o   Looks ahead to the next “move” for the platoon  

o   Ensures 360-degree, three-dimensional security is maintained. Controls the emplacement of key weapon systems

o   Issues accurate and timely reports

o   Places himself where he is most needed to accomplish the mission

o   Assigns clear tasks and purposes to his squads


·         Squad Leader (SQL) Lieutenant and Staff Sargant (SSG)

o   Effectively uses control measures for direct fire, indirect fire, and tactical movement

o   Controls the movement of his squad and it’s rate and distribution of fire

o   Fights the close fight by fire and movement

o   Communicates timely and accurate LACE and SALUTE reports status to the platoon leader

o   Conducts troop-leading procedures (TLP)

o   Ensures every member of his team know the mission and their part

o    In charge of 2 squads


·         Squad Structure

o   Each Squad - up to 9 solders and consists of:

·          1 Squad Sargant

·          Up to 1 Sniper/Marksman

·          Up to 1 Medic  

·          Up to 1 MMG or LMG

·          Up to 1 Grenadier

·          Up to 9 Rifleman


·         LMG/MMG


o   Squad Support Weapons MMG/LMG MAY operate in FULL-AUTO Mode but NOT shoot in excess of 30 rounds per second.

o   450 fps max @ 6mm x .20g for AEG/GBBR

o   355 FPS max (1.88 J) w/ .32g for 6mm High Pressure Gas Weapons ( HPA).

o   Weapons using an external gas source must have a locked regulator to prevent field adjustment.

o   Operators of an MMG/LMG will be issued 3000 rounds LMG gunners will be issued 1500.

o   MMG/LMG gunners must break the plane of a building on lower floors when shooting out of a building. You do not have to break the plane when shooting from the upper floors.

o   MMG gunners must have a Minimum Engagement Distance of 50 feet.



·         GRANEDIER 


o   May carry up to 12 throw able grenades up to 25 rockets or 40 mm launchable grenades not to exceed 30 total.

o   Uses a launch able Grenade or Rocket (Simulated) carrying player. They may carry M-203 GL, M-320 GL, M-79 GL, GP-25 GL, M-136 AT4, M-72 LAW, and RPG-7.

·          May carry up to 25 Propellant rounds on their person.

·          only player class that can carry launchable Grenade Rounds and Rockets.

·          1 grenadier allowed per Platoon.

·          ALL TAG launchable products are allowed at this time.

·          Please see the Explosive Devices/IED/Smoke section for approved pyro grenades.

·          Chalk rounds are used for anti-vehicle rounds.

·          All GRENADIERS will be responsible for their own launchables.

         12 throwable grenades up to 25 rockets or 40 mm launchable grenades not to exceed 30 total

·          They will be issued (500 BB ROUNDS)


·         Explosive Devices, IED, Rockets, Smoke



o   Grenades must simply detonate within 20 feet to eliminate a player. Being completely behind hard cover protects you from grenades.

·          Any Pneumatic/Gas grenades that require CO2 or Green Gas/Propane are allowed.

·          Foam / Nerf rockets are only effective on vehicles.

·          Tags fired by an grenadier will have a 20ft kill radius from where they detonate.

·          Chalk rounds fired by grenadiers will effectively disable Vehicles but do not kill their occupants.

·          Thunder B’s will be counted as a “grenade” with a lethal kill radius of 20 feet (must detonate).

·          Smoke may not be used inside buildings.

·          No trip wires

·          IEDs will need to be approved by R&D

·          Land Mines will need to be approved by R&D

·         Approved Pyro Grenades

·         This section is based on our experiences with pyro devices. If you have a device that you would like approved, R&D staff needs to physically see the device perform in order to approve it. Please contact R&D to arrange this.

·          TLSFX Thermobaric grenades

·          TLSFX Thunder flash grenades

·          TAG R2BS Grenades

·          Tagins

·          Enola Gaye Flash Grenade (certain restrictions apply per event)

·          All airsoft-manufactured grenades are allowed, but no PRIMER STRIKE devices are allowed.


·         Marksman/Sniper

  •         Marksman/snipers Engages enemy players at range of 75+ft minimum engagement range

·          Operators of a Marksman/sniper rifle are required to carry a sidearm to engage targets within the minimum engagement distances.

·          Magnified tubed optic (red dot/holographic optic)

·          The limit is 550 fps chronoed with a .20g BB for SPRING or AEGs, 2.20J for any HPA DMR chronoed on a .32g BB.

·          SEMI-AUTO Only



o   Treats casualties, assists the aid and litter teams with their evacuation, and assists in CASEVAC all under the control of the PSG

o   Advises the PL and PSG on all force health protection matters, and personally checks the health and physical condition of platoon members

o   Reports all medical situations and his actions taken to the PSG

o   Requests medical supplies for the team through the company supply.

o   Carries out other assigned tasks assigned by the PL and PSG

o   Can carry up to 30 IV bottles.


  •          Treats casualties, assists the aid and litter teams with their evacuation, and assists in 
    CASEVAC all under the control of the SL
  •          Advises the SL and PM on all force health protection matters, and personally checks the health and physical condition of squad members
  •          Reports all medical situations and his actions taken to the SL
  •          Requests Class VIII (medical) supplies for the team through the company senior medic
  •          Carries out other assigned tasks assigned by the SL and TLs
  •          Can carry up to 4 IV bottles


  • Maneuvers an ATV about the Battle field acting as dragoons.
  • Dragoons travel on equipment and fight off it on foot.
  • The unit will have a limited number.


Ammo Restrictions

 To level the playing field and enforce the importance of LMG/MMG weapon systems, participants will be issued their initial supply of BB’s for the event during check-in and will be resupplied during the course of the event as needed or based on your faction’s current supply chain capacity.  How you use those BBs and cross load them among your squad is up to your leadership.

  •          Players may carry up to 7 magazines on your person. Mid-cap mags only.



Low Light / No Light Operations

  •          Players will need Eye Pro with “CLEAR” lenses for all Low/No Light operations; Full sealing ANSI rated still applies.
  •          Players must have a Red light stick/device, Chem light to signal they have been hit.
  •          Use of Night Vision, Thermal, or other types of NOD is allowed
  •          All players are encouraged to operate “in pairs” during Low/No light operations.
  •          Players are never to aim any laser system directly at the eyes of another player.
  •          Players are never to aim any laser system at any flying aircraft



Rubber edge weapons and “Tap” Kills.


  •          Rubber or Plastic weapons are scenario specific and only allowed at certain times and under certain conditions
  •          Players are allowed to “safety” or “Tap out” another player with rubber-edged weapons.
  •          When a player is touched/tapped with the rubber-edged weapon they are considered “hit”.
  •          The player that has been “killed” by a rubber-edged weapon cannot yell “hit” or “medic” – they are mortally wounded. This player is not allowed to be medicated and must head back to the aid station.
  •          R&D only allows approved purpose-made rubber training edged weapons.
  •          No modified “real-edged” weapons are allowed


Player Searches

  Captured or killed players may be searched by an enemy player.

·         To initiate a search, the enemy player must be at arm’s length to the dead or captured player and will say “I am searching you.” At that moment, the dead or captured player must relinquish any Intel items they have in their possession at the time of the search (Intel, kill card, BBS etc.)

  •          Players in possession of more than one “kill card” only must relinquish one card per search/per death.
  •          Players cannot be searched after they have bled out and moved to re-spawn

Drones, UAV / UAG/ FPV/

·         R & D MilSim events may employ UAVs / UAG(s) by cadre to gather footage for promotion.

  •          UAV / UAG(s) can be used as a means for forces to “recon the battlefield” gathering enemy troop movement and strength.
  •          All private UAV / UAG(s) MUST be approved by R & D Cadre PRIOR TO DEPLOYMENT.
  •          R & D does not allow gas-powered Arial UAVs.
  •          Players may at no time, shoot at or around UAV / UAG(s) while in flight or on the ground.
  •          Drone operators must go through R & D drone safety brief with Faction CO prior to deployment.




  •          Any rules violations will result in point deductions for your faction.
  •          Event Staff may ask for your name when a War Crime is recorded, this information will not be made public but will be used for tracking repeated rules violations internally.
  •          Safety violations will be assessed with higher point penalties.

And lastly “Don’t Be a Dick.” This is a game.





Vehicles (POVS)

The spirit of these requirements is to provide a useful vehicle that can transport and be fought out of, but that is also vulnerable and not a tank. · All players being transported in an open bed, on running boards or otherwise outside the cab area must wear helmets. THIS INCLUDES IN THE STAGING AREA


  •          Submit POV Application, Proof of insurance, and photos of your POV.
  •          Your photos and application will be passed on to R&D and your commander for Approval. Be advised, this is not first-come, first-served and is up to R&D and your CO.
  •          There will be limited POV per event so a commander is likely to explore his options before approving.
  •          On-site, your POV will be inspected and must meet Rule Set requirements for final approval. POV to be inspected as game ready.


POV Requirements


  •          Failure to follow these rules and regulations may result in a 10PT war crime and your POV pass being revoked without refund.
  •          Each POV will be given a POV number by staff. This number must be VISIBLE at all times during the event. It is the POV owner’s responsibility to place the POV number on their vehicle.
  •          POV pass and Agreement must be signed by the POV operator and/or owner.
  •          POV pass and agreement must be kept on the dash and visible at all times.
  •          Driver and front passenger windows must be up at all times.
  •          The driver must wear full seal eye pro.
  •          Players riding in an open Cab, Bed, or Side rails of POV must wear a helmet that offers bump protection.
  •          ALL POVs MUST STAY within TEN feet of defined roads. (POVs may pull off roads and around other vehicles, but no trailblazing).
  •          POV Issued Number: You will be issued (4) 8.5×11 pieces of paper with your POV number printed on them. These will be attached to all sides of your POV. You may also stencil your assigned number to each side of your POV in 8.5×11 inches in size and easily seen.
  •          All POVs are required to have a radio with an antenna to have direct contact with other POV’s and R&D staff throughout the event, channels will be assigned prior. (An actual CB Radio on CB frequencies). If your CB goes out, then your vehicle is off of the field.
  •          All POVs are required to have a ground guide when driving in reverse. This means a passenger must exit the stopped vehicle with his dead rag on and guide the vehicles going in reverse. Upon entering the POV, the ground guide will then take his dead rag off and resume play. A ground guide cannot be killed so no need to shoot at him.
  •          All Player POVs are considered “Light Armor” regardless of aesthetic modifications.
  •          All POVs must have a First Aid Kit capable of stopping moderate bleeding. The kit will be inspected on site.
  •          All POVs must have a fire extinguisher.
  •          POVs are limited to 1 mounted machine guns.
  •          POV machine guns are limited to twice the ammo of dismounted troops. (This may vary from event to event)
  •         Only forward-facing gun shields are allowed.
  •          Forward-facing gun shields may not be seen through. If it is made of Plexiglas, then it needs to be painted.
  •          All players firing from gun trucks must be able to see down the sights of their weapons. Anything less is blind firing.
  •          If a gun truck wishes to have any windows closed, they must be covered with add-on armor. (This is to prevent windows from being rolled up and down throughout the weekend.
  •          Gun Turrets must have a 12” wide by 18” tall front opening for weapons.
  •          Any added gun ports must be a minimum 18”x12” and remain open at all times.
  •          Vehicles will be inspected on Friday.
  •          Vehicle must be at a complete stop for ingress/egress. Players are not allowed to exit or enter ANY moving Vehicle.
  •          Players should exercise EXTREME caution around APC(s)/Tank doors and hatches. They are heavy and will easily “remove” fingers.
  •          Only HWS launched rockets disable vehicles. This does not kill the crew but only disables the vehicle and forces the crew to exit or concede being killed and ride back to your FOB for re-spawn.
  •          If an HWS fired rocket strikes a vehicle, it is disabled for 5 minutes, and must serve a 5 minute “burn out” time. If the players choose not to exit, the vehicle and any occupants are dead and must go back to FOB for re-spawn.
  •          If a vehicle receives a second rocket hit, all occupants of the vehicle are considered dead.
  •          If an HWS fired rocket should land inside the bed of the vehicle, all occupants are considered killed.
  •          Destroyed POVs must return to their primary FOB and check in with their leadership and serve a 10 minute “repair time”.
  •          Players shot inside a vehicle must exit the vehicle to receive medical attention.
  •          Players must stay a minimum of 10FT from all moving POV or ATV. If you are too close, move away.
  •          POVs will signal being destroyed by flashing their Hazard lights and / or Hoisting / Attaching a Dead Rag or Red Flag to the vehicle that is visible from all sides (i.e. Vehicle Radio antenna). Subject to change per event.
  •          POVs may not drive through smoke screens.
  •          Players are not allowed to throw grenades at the back of a vehicle.
  •           Players in ghillie suits WILL NEVER lie near vehicle roads, trails or in the driving path of any vehicle (USE COMMON SENSE).
  •          Players are never to stand, lay prone or supine next to a moving APC(s)/Tanks/ATVs because of the turn radius/blind spots.
  •          Vehicles cannot be TOUCHED killed by a player because of safety issues



POV Violations

  • 10PT deduction per POV violation plus 1 hour parked
  • 3rd violation of the same POV is parked for the weekend with no refund
  • After 5th POV violation per faction will result in an additional 20PT deduction



For our Tall Pines Events


We use 6mm Bio BB’s only.

To level the playing field and enforce the importance of LMG/MMG weapon systems, participants will be issued their initial supply of BB’s for the event during check-in and will be resupplied during the course of the event as needed or based on your faction’s current supply chain capacity.  How you use those BBs and cross load them among your squad is up to your leadership.  Grenades and other launchables are not part of this and you are on your own to supply these items. 

Ammo Loads

  • ·         Riflemen, Grenadiers, SDMs, and Snipers – 500rnds
  • ·         Auto Riflemen (LMGs) – 1500rnds
  • ·         Machine Gunners (MMGs) – 3000rnds
  • ·         Fire control measures and resource accountability and management are part of a leader’s 
    responsibility.  Ensure both you and your subordinates are always aware of your ammo levels.  To help with realism we limit ammo available.


ATV Rules

  • Unauthorized vehicles are not allowed on the field of play, and are never to be used in a game (unless cleared by the administration).
  • We will limit the number of ATV's in play.
  •         Player ATVs are limited to10 MPH.
  •          ATV use is restricted to Tall Pines ATV Park and must be registered, and separate fee applies through Tall Pines and must Follow all Tall Pines Rules in addition to R&D rules.
  •          ATV’s may be used to move from control point to control point and must be parked in a designated parking area.
  •          No firing at or from ATV’s. You must dismount to be engaged. You may not mount and dismount to avoid being shot.
  •          Only riders who have registered with Tall Pines may ride or be transported by ATVs.
  •          ATV drivers must be at least 18 years of age.
  •          Violations involving POVs will incur the highest point penalties